OneEgg started as a conversation in 2008 fueled by a shared vision between a businessman from Memphis, a church leader in Rwanda and a young woman at Tyson Foods, Inc. These three were deeply committed to finding ways to deliver animal protein to some of the world's most vulnerable children.
In 2010, OneEgg begins construction on four chicken houses in Rwanda and the first flock is placed. Later in the year, a new chapter begins in Uganda through a partnership with Parental Care Ministries.
From 2013 to 2015, OneEgg partners with experienced leaders to launch another chapter. Nearly 500 children receive eggs through the six partnering preschools as well as with two medical provider locations. Additionally, a feed mill is fully built and high-quality feed is generated to produce 42,000 eggs weekly.
In 2016, OneEgg receives support to create an egg farm in Haiti. In Rwanda, 26 schools currently support kids through egg layer farms and local partnership deliveries with local egg farmers. In Mozambique, about 250 kids receive eggs several times a week. In Latin America, another OneEgg chapter grows in Honduras.
Through COVID-19, OneEgg has persevered and withstood the economic and geographic restrictions which often effect egg deliveries. We continue to serve eggs to kids and share news of upcoming chapters!